# Network Request

# Simple to use

this.$req is an instance of NetworkRequest

# this.$req.get(url)

  • Description: get request
  • Param
    • url
      • Type: string
      • Required: true
      • Description: the address of request
  • Return: Promise
export default {
  name: 'ajax-get-demo',
  methods: {
    getDataA() {
      this.$req.get('url').then(rs => {
        // TODO
      }).catch(err => {
        // Error handle
        this.$toast({ 'msg': err.message })
    async getDataB() {
      const rs = await this.$req.get('url/?param1=A&param2=B')
      // TODO

# this.$req.post(url, data, headers)

  • Description: post request
  • Param
    • url
      • Type: string
      • Required: true
      • Description: the address of request
    • data
      • Type: object
      • Required: false
      • Description: the data to send
    • headers
      • Type: object
      • Required: false
      • Description: request header
  • Return: Promise
import { Base64 } from 'js-base64'

export default {
  name: 'ajax-post-demo',
  data() {
    return {
      username: '',
      password: '',
      someInfo: {}
  methods: {
    postDataA() {
      this.$req.post('url', {
        username: this.username,
        password: this.password
      }).then(rs => {
        // TODO
      }).catch(err => {
        // Error handle
        this.$toast({ 'msg': err.message })
    async postDataB() {
      const token = Base64.encode(`${Math.floor(new Date().getTime())}-${this.username}`)
      const rs = await this.$req.post('url', this.someInfo, { Authorization: token })
      // TODO

# this.$req.request(options)

  • Description: send request
  • Return: Promise
  • Param
    • options
      • Type: object
      • Required: true
      • Attention: Data, files, body, stream, except data and files can be used at the same time, other parameters cannot be used at the same time
      • Description: Requested options, including the following items
Optional Type Required Default Description
url string true undefined Request address
data object false undefined the data to send
files object false undefined Submit files in form, support multiple file uploads (JSON objects), such as {"file": "path"}, also supports multiple files for the same field: {"file": ["path1", "path2"]} File path, support absolute path, and file path protocols such as fs: //, cache: //, box: //, etc. You can directly use the results returned by other end APIs, such as ret.data of api.getPicture callback, etc.
body object/string false undefined Submit data in plain text, and the body supports strings and JSON objects (to verify data integrity, you need to convert JSON objects into strings and then transfer them in). When submitting a JSON object, you need to set the content-type to the application/json
stream string false undefined Submit the file as a binary stream. Stream is a file path (string type), which supports absolute path and file path protocols such as fs://cache://box://, you can directly use the results returned by other APIs, such as api.getPicture callback ret.data etc.
method string false 'get' Request method, this value range is 'get'、'post'、'put'、'delete'、 'head'、 'options'、 'patch'
encode boolean false true Whether to encode the url. By default or passed true, Android will always encode the URL, while iOS will only encode when the URL is illegal (such as the presence of Chinese characters). If there are special characters in the url that need to be encoded, it is recommended to encode them in the js layer first, and then this parameter is passed false.
tag string false ajax-${new Date().getTime()} This field is used to pass the cancelAjax method to cancel the request. If this field is passed in, please ensure that the tag field of each ajax is unique
timeout number false 30 Timeout time, unit: second
headers object false undefined Request header
dataType string false 'json' Returns the data type. If the field is passed json, after receiving the data returned by the server, it will try to convert it into a JSON object. If it cannot be converted into a JSON object, it will return a data type error. The value range is 'json', 'text';
returnAll boolean false false Whether to return all response information (including response header, message body, and status code). When true, the returned header information acquisition method (ret.headers), message body information acquisition method (ret.body), and status code acquisition method ( ret.statusCode)
charset string false utf-8 When no character set encoding is returned in the response header, use this encoding to parse the data
report boolean false false Whether to return upload file progress in real time
cache boolean false false Whether to cache, if cached, the next time the network is requested, the cache will be used, which is only valid for get requests
certificate object false undefined Used in the case of https request to enable bidirectional authentication, the client configures the p12 security certificate settings{ path: 'p12 certificate path, support file path protocols such as fs: //, widget: //, cache: //, string type' ,password:'Certificate password, string type' }
safeMode string false 'none' Set request security mode. After setting, if the data is detected to have a security risk, an "unsafe data" error will be returned. The value range is 'none', 'both', 'request', 'response'
proxy object false undefined Set up a proxy request server. { host: // server address, string type port: // server port, numeric type }

# this.$req.setBaseUrl(baseUrl)

  • Description: Set the base URL of the request, and later requests can use the relative address
  • Param
    • baseUrl
      • Type: string
      • Required: true
      • Description: Requested base network address

# this.$req.interceptor

  • Description: The request interceptor is executed before the request is sent. The request parameters can be pre-processed. The requested options can be accessed through this.requestOptions, wherethis points to the NetworkRequest instance, and arrow functions cannot be used here. this will point to a Vue instance
  • Type: Function
  • Return: boolean, Returns true to continue sending requests, false to cancel requests

# this.$req.handleError

  • Description: Error handling, executed when there is an error in sending the request
  • Type: Function
  • Param: Error

# this.$req.afterRequest

  • Description: Response interceptor
  • Type: Function
  • Param: Data returned by the server
  • Return: The returned data will be the requested return data
import { Base64 } from 'js-base64'

export default {
  name: 'ajax-interceptor-handleError-afterRequest-demo',
  data() {
    return {
      username: '',
      password: '',
      someInfo: {}
  methods: {
    initRequest () {
      const _this = this
      this.$req.interceptor = function () {
        // Arrow function is not available here, otherwise Param requestOptions of NetworkRequest instance cannot be obtained
        // request interceptor
        // execute before request
        this.requestOptions.headers = {
          'Authorization': Base64.encode(`${Math.floor(new Date().getTime())}-${_this.username}`)
        return true
        // The return value determines whether to initiate the request
        // return true to continue sending requests
        // return false to intercept the request and cancel sending
      this.$req.afterRequest = rs => {
        alert(`After sending the request, the returned data is \n ${JSON.stringify(rs.data, null, 2)}`)
        return rs.data
      this.$req.handleError = err => {
        // Error Handle
        this.$toast({ 'msg': err.message })
  onReady() {

# this.$req.setTag(tag)

  • Description: Sets the tag of the current request. It is used to cancelAjax by passing the cancelAjax method. If this field is passed in, please ensure that the tag field of each ajax is unique.
  • Param
    • tag
      • Type: string
      • Required: true
      • Description: Unique flag for each request

# this.$req.getTag()

  • Description: Get the currently requested tag
  • Return
    • tag
      • Type: string | CancelTokenSource
      • Description: If debugging on the PC side, it returns the CancelTokenSource of axios, and if debugging on the mobile loader, it returns the set tag string or the default tag string

# this.$req.cancelAjax(tag)

  • Description: Cancel request by tag
  • Param
    • tag
      • Type: string
      • Required: true
      • Description: Sign to cancel request

# Global use

create a new file src/utils/HttpRequest.js

import { NetworkRequest } from 'vue-apicloud-quickstart'
import { Base64 } from 'js-base64'

export default class HttpRequest {
  constructor (baseUrl) {
    // Set the base address
    this.baseUrl = baseUrl
    // Store request queue
    this.queue = {}

  // destroy request instance
  destroy (url) {
    delete this.queue[url]
    const queue = Object.keys(this.queue)
    return queue.length

  // request interception
  interceptors (instance, url) {
    // add request interceptor
    instance.interceptor = function () {
      // request interceptor, do something before sending the request
      if (!url.includes('/login')) {
        this.requestOptions.header = {
          // TODO, for example, modify the content of the request header
          'Authorization': Base64.encode(`${Math.floor(new Date().getTime())}-${window.$api.getStorage('token')}`)
      return true

    // add response interceptor
    instance.afterRequest = rs => {
      // TODO, Do something after the request
      return rs

    instance.handleError = (/* err */) => {
      // TODO, Unified error handling

  // create instance
  create () {
    const request = new NetworkRequest()
    request.requestOptions.header = {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
      'X-URL-PATH': location.pathname
    return request

  // request instance
  request (options) {
    const instance = this.create()
    this.interceptors(instance, options.url)
    options = Object.assign({}, options)
    this.queue[options.url] = instance
    return instance.request(options)

create a new file src/utils/request.js

import HttpRequest from './HttpRequest'

const Req = new HttpRequest('https://api.example.com')

export const login = (username, password) => {
  const data = { username, password }
  return Req.request({
    url: '/login',
    method: 'post',

export const getUserinfo = usertoken => {
  return Req.request({ url: `/users/${usertoken}` })

// Define the business request here

Use in pages, src/pages/login/index.vue:

import { login, getUserinfo } from '@/utils/request'

export default {
  name: 'ajax-demo',
  data() {
    return {
      username: '',
      password: '',
      usertoken: '',
      userinfo: {}
  methods: {
    loginApp() {
      login(this.username, this.password).then(rs => {
        this.usertoken = rs.usertoken
    async getUserInfo() {
      const rs = await getUserinfo(this.usertoken)
      this.$api.setStorage('userinfo', rs.userinfo)
      this.userinfo = rs.userinfo