# Global Help Methods and Properties

# api

# Attributes (opens new window)

# Constant (opens new window)

# Event (opens new window)

# Method (opens new window)

For example:


# $api

Method Description
.trim() (opens new window) Strip leading and trailing spaces from a string
.trimAll() (opens new window) Remove all spaces from the string
.isArray() (opens new window) Determine if the object is an array
.addEvt() (opens new window) Binding events for DOM elements
.rmEvt() (opens new window) Remove DOM element binding event
.one() (opens new window) Binding events for DOM elements, the event is executed only once
.dom() (opens new window) Select the first matching DOM element
.domAll() (opens new window) Select all matching DOM elements
.byId() (opens new window) Select DOM element by Id
.first() (opens new window) Select the first child element of the DOM element
.last() (opens new window) Select the last child element of a DOM element
.eq() (opens new window) Select the few child elements
.not() (opens new window) Select child elements based on exclusion selector
.prev() (opens new window) Select adjacent previous element
.next() (opens new window) Select adjacent next element
.contains() (opens new window) Determine if an element contains the target element
.closest() (opens new window) Match nearest parent element based on selector
.remove() (opens new window) Remove DOM Elements
.attr() (opens new window) Get or set attributes of DOM elements
.removeAttr() (opens new window) Remove attributes from DOM elements
.hasCls() (opens new window) Does the DOM element contain a className
.addCls() (opens new window) Add className to DOM element
.removeCls() (opens new window) Remove the specified className
.toggleCls() (opens new window) Toggle the specified className
.val() (opens new window) Get or set the value of the common Form element
.prepend() (opens new window) Inside the DOM element, insert an HTML string before the first child element
.append() (opens new window) Inside the DOM element, insert an HTML string after the last child element
.before() (opens new window) Insert HTML string in front of DOM element
.after() (opens new window) Insert HTML string after DOM element
.html() (opens new window) Get or set the innerHTML of the DOM element
.text() (opens new window) Set or get the text content of the element
.offset() (opens new window) Get the position and width and height of the element in the page,(this is from the left side of the page And the top position, not the position from the window)
.css() (opens new window) Set the style of the DOM element passed in, multiple styles can be passed in
.cssVal() (opens new window) Get the full value of the specified attribute of the specified DOM element, such as 800px
.jsonToStr() (opens new window) Convert a standard JSON object to a string format
.strToJson() (opens new window) Convert JSON String to JSON Object
.setStorage() (opens new window) Set localStorage data
.getStorage() (opens new window) Get localStorage data, must be used with $api.setStorage()
.rmStorage() (opens new window) Clear the value corresponding to the key name in localStorage
.clearStorage() (opens new window) Clear all data from localStorage, use with caution
.fixIos7Bar() (opens new window) Adapt to iOS7 + system status bar, add 20px top and bottom to the incoming DOM element Margins
.fixStatusBar() (opens new window) Adapt to iOS7 +, Android4.4 + system status bar, for incoming DOM elements Increase appropriate top padding to avoid header and status bar overlapping
.toast() (opens new window) Delay prompt box
.get() (opens new window) Get method shorthand for api.ajax() method
.post() (opens new window) Post method shorthand for api.ajax() method

For example:

this.$api.setStorage('username', username)

# $req

  • Description: For network requests, axios is used for PC debugging, and api.ajax() method is used for WiFi debugging and formal packaging

See Network Request for details

# element.getRect

  • Return: DOMRect
  • Description: The property returns the size of the element and its position relative to the viewport, and is an encapsulation of Element.getBoundingClientRect().


property type description
bottom float Y axis, relative to the bottom of the rectangular box of the viewport origin. Read-only.
height float The height of the rectangular box (equivalent to bottom minus top). Read-only.
left float X axis, relative to the left side of the viewport origin rectangular box. Read-only.
right loat X axis, relative to the right side of the viewport origin rectangular box. Read-only.
top float Y axis, relative to the top of the viewport origin rectangular box. Read-only.
width float The width of the rectangular box (equivalent to right minus left). Read-only.
x float X axis, relative to the left side of the viewport origin rectangular box. Read-only.
y float Y axis, relative to the top of the viewport origin rectangular box. Read-only.

For example:


# element.computedStyle

  • Return: CSSStyleDeclaration
  • Description: Returns an object that reports the values of all CSS properties of an element after applying the active style sheet and parsing any basic calculations that these values may contain. Private CSS property values can be accessed through the API provided by the object or by simply indexing using CSS property names. It is a wrapper for window.getComputedStyle(element).

For example:


# $page

  • Type: Object
  • Description: Method objects for manipulating pages, including open,push, close,closeToWin, pageParam methods.

# open(url, options)

  • Description: Open the window page. Ifwindow already exists, the window will be displayed on the front. At the same time, if theurl changes or the reload parameter istrue, the page will reload. A wrapper for the api.openWin() method.
  • Param:
    • url:

      • Type: string,
      • Required: true
      • Description: The page address can be a local file path, relative path and absolute path, as well as protocol paths such as widget://, fs://, or remote addresses. When the winOpts.data parameter is not empty,url will be used as baseUrl, and the root path of the resource file referenced byhtml in winOpts.data will be based on theurl.
    • options:

      • type: object
      • Required: false
      • Description: Parameters for opening the page, including the following items
      options type required Description
      name string false the name of window, the default is win_${url}
      pageParam any false Data passed to the window to be opened, no default value
      winOpts object false To open all the parameters of the page window, see Official Documentation (opens new window) for details. Internal parameters can override external parameters
      animation object false The animation effect of the page opening, see Official Documents (opens new window)

      The internal parameters of animation are as follows

      options type required Description
      type string false Animation type
      subType string false Animation subtype
      duration number false Animation transition time, default 300 milliseconds
          type: "none",                // Animation type (see animation type constants for details)
          subType: "from_right",       // animation subtype (see the animation subtype constant for details)
          duration: 300                // Animation transition time, default 300 milliseconds
      value range of `type`:
      none            // no animation effect
      push            // new view pushes old view away
      movein          // move the new view over the old view
      fade            // Cross-fade transition (transition direction is not supported)
      flip            // flip effect
      reveal          // move the old view away and show the new view below
      ripple          // drip effect (transition direction is not supported)
      curl            // page up
      un_curl         // page down
      suck            // shrink effect (transition direction is not supported)
      cube            // cube roll effect
      value range of `subType`:
      from_right      // start the animation from the right
      from_left       // start the animation from the left
      from_top        // start the animation from the top
      from_bottom     // start the animation from the bottom
      (Android system does not support flip, ripple, curl, un_curl, suck and cube types)

For example:

export default {
  name: 'open-window-page-demo',
  methods: {
    openDetails() {
      this.$page.open('article/details', {
        name: 'articleDetailsPage',
        pageParam: {
          title: 'this is title',
          content: 'this is content'
    openBaidu() {
      this.$page.open('https://www.baidu.com', {
        animation: {
          type: 'fade',
          subType: 'from_right',
          duration: 300

# push(urlOrOptions)

  • Description: Opening a new window page, it is the encapsulation of the open method
  • Param:
    • urlOrOptions:

      • Type: string | object
      • Required: true
      • Description: The parameter to open the page, if it is a string type, it is passed directly to the open () method asurl, if it is object, it contains the following items
      options type required description
      name string false To open the name of window, you can fill in the name of the page configured in src/config/pages.js. It will open the page directly.
      pageParam any false Data passed to the window to be opened, no default value
      winOpts object false To open all the parameters of the page window, see Official Documentation (opens new window) for details. Internal parameters can override external parameters
      animation object false The animation effect of the page opening, see Official Documents (opens new window), Same as open() method parameter options.animation

For example:

export default {
  name: 'open-window-page-demo',
  methods: {
    gotoLogin() {
      this.$page.push({ name: 'login' })
    openBaidu() {
    openIndex() {
        name: 'index',
        pageParam: { loginTime: new Date().getTime() }

# close()

  • Description: Close the current window page, the wrapper of theapi.closeWin()method.
  • Param: None

For example:

export default {
  name: 'close-window-page-demo',
  methods: {
    close() {

# closeToWin(options)

  • Description: Close to the specified window. All windows from the top window to the specified name window will be closed, it is the encapsulation of the api.closeToWin() method.
  • Param:
    • options:

      • Type: object
      • Required: true
      • Description: Options to close to the specified window, including the following items
      options type required description
      name string true Specify window name
      animation object false The animation effect of the page opening, see Official Documents (opens new window), Same as open() method parameter options.animation

For example:

export default {
  name: 'closeToWin-demo',
  methods: {
    closeToIndex() {
      this.$page.closeToWin({ name: 'root' })

# pageParam()

-Description: Used to get the parameter values passed between pages, which are api.openWin(), api.openFrame(), $page.open(), $page.push(), $frame.open() corresponding value of the pageParam parameter in methods. It is a wrapper for the api.pageParam property. -Param: None -Return:sny

For example:

export default {
  name: 'closeToWin-demo',
  data() {
    return {
      article: null
  methods: {
    getData() {
      this.article = this.$page.pageParam()
  onReady() {

# $frame

  • Type: Object
  • Description: Method object for manipulating Frame, including open() method.

# open(options)

  • Description: Open the frame, if the frame already exists, it will display the window to the front and display it. If the url and the previous url are changed, or the reload is true, the page will be refreshed. This method has no effect on the frame in the frameGroup, it is a wrapper for the api.openFrame() method
  • Param:

For example:

export default {
  name: 'open-frame-demo',
  methods: {
    openHeader(title) {
        url: this.$n2p('header'),
        name: 'common-header',
        rect: {
          x: 0,
          y: 0,
          w: 'auto',
          h: 60
        pageParam: { title }
  onReady() {
    this.openHeader('Article Title')

# $toast(options)

  • Description: Pop up a prompt box that closes automatically at regular intervals, the wrapper of the api.toast() method
  • Param:
    • options:

      • Type: object
      • Required: true
      • Description: the options of toast, including the following items
      options type required description
      msg string true message
      duration number false Duration in milliseconds, default 3000
      location string false Pop position, top, middle or bottom, default by bottom

      location value range:


For example:

export default {
  name: 'toast-demo',
  onReady() {
    this.$toast({ msg: 'The page is already open', location: 'top' })

# $pagesInfo

  • Description: Get page configuration information and return it as an array

For example:

    title: "Open ad page",
    name: "index",
    path: "index/index",
    htmlPath: "indexindex"
    title: "Login page",
    name: "login",
    path: "login/index",
    htmlPath: "loginindex"
    title: "Home page",
    name: "home",
    path: "home/index",
    htmlPath: "homeindex"
    title: "Web page",
    name: "web",
    path: "home/web",
    htmlPath: "homeweb"

# $getPageMap()

  • Description: Get page configuration information, returned as an object, the key of the page is the name of the configured page
  • Param: None
  • Return: object

For example:


  index: {
    title: "Open ad page",
    name: "index",
    path: "index/index",
    htmlPath: "indexindex"
  login: {
    title: "Login page",
    name: "login",
    path: "login/index",
    htmlPath: "loginindex"
  home: {
    title: "Home page",
    name: "home",
    path: "home/index",
    htmlPath: "homeindex"
  web: {
    title: "Web page",
    name: "web",
    path: "home/web",
    htmlPath: "homeweb"

# $bindKeyBackExitApp()

  • Description: Bind keyback to exit the application by pressing 2 times
  • Param: None

For example:

export default {
  name: 'bindKeyBackExitApp-demo',
  onReady() {

# $n2p(name)

  • Description: Convert page's name to page's htmlPath
  • Param:
    • name:
      • Type: string
      • Requiredtrue
      • Description: name of pages configured in src/config/pages.js file
  • Return :
    • Type: string
    • Description: htmlPath of the page

For example:

export default {
  name: 'n2p-demo',
  methods: {
    gotoLogin() {

# $getSafeArea()

  • Description: Area where the page is not obscured by other content, such as the status bar,Through safeArea, you can know where the current page is covered, and make corresponding adjustments to ensure that important elements of the page are not covered. For example, if the top header is partially covered by the status bar, you can add a paddingTop to the header., It is a wrapper for the api.safeArea property.
  • Param: None
  • Return : object
    top:       // The upper edge of the safe area. For windows in immersive mode, the value is usually the height of the status bar, and 0 in full screen or non-immersive mode (44 in full screen when the iPhone X is in vertical screen).
    left:      // Left edge of safe area, usually 0 (44 in iPhone X landscape)
    bottom:    // Lower edge of the safe area, usually 0 (iPhone X is 34 in portrait and 21 in landscape)
    right:     // Right edge of safe area, usually 0 (44 in iPhone X landscape)

For example:

export default {
  name: 'getSafeArea-demo',
  methods: {
    fixHeader() {
      const { top } = this.$getSafeArea()
      this.$api.dom('#header').style.paddingTop = `${top}px`
  onReady() {

# $getWinSize()

  • Description: Gets the screen size, including winHeight,winWidth, which are wrappers for the api.winHeight,api.winWidth properties.
  • Param: None
  • Return : object
  winHeight: // Screen height
  winWidth:  // Screen width

For example:

const { winHeight, winWidth } = this.$getWinSize()

# $setPullDownRefresh(callback,options)

  • Description: The default pull-down refresh component is displayed. When the default pull-down refresh component is used, the snap properties of the page are automatically reset. A wrapper for the api.setRefreshHeaderInfo() method.
  • Param:
    • callback:

      • TypeFunction
      • Required: true
      • Description: Callback in pull-down refresh state
    • options: object

      • Typeobject
      • Required: false
      • Description: Optional refresh options, including the following items
      options type default description
      visible boolean true is visible
      bgColor string rgba (187, 236, 153, 1.0) when defaultRefreshHeader is pull, #fff when it is swipe background color
      pathColor string #0F9D58 The color of the progress bar, which takes effect when defaultRefreshHeader is swipe.
      loadingImg string Rotate arrow image Picture address when pulling up or down. Effective when defaultRefreshHeader is pull.
      textColor string rgba (109, 128, 153, 1.0) defaultRefreshHeader takes effect when it is pull.
      textDown string Dropdown can refresh ... Dropdown text description, effective when defaultRefreshHeader is pull.
      textUp string Release to refresh ... Text description when released, effective when defaultRefreshHeader is pull.
      textLoading string Default: Loading ... Loading status text description, effective when defaultRefreshHeader is pull.
      textTime string Last update plus datetime Update time text description, effective when defaultRefreshHeader is pull.
      showTime boolean true Whether to show the update time, which takes effect when defaultRefreshHeader is pull.

For example:

export default {
  name: 'setPullDownRefresh-demo',
  data() {
    return {
      data: {}
  methods: {
    initData() {
      this.$req.get('/url').then(rs => {
        this.data = rs.data
  onReady() {
    this.$setPullDownRefresh(() => {
      // TODO
      // Load data from the server here.
      // After loading, call this.api.refreshHeaderLoadDone() method to restore the component to the default state.

# $randomColor(options)

  • Description: generate a random color. It is returned in hexadecimal by default. It can be configured as rgb or rgba type
  • Return : string
  • Param:
    • options:

      • Type: object
      • Requiredfalse
      • Description: to configure the return type and transparency, including the following items
      options type default description
      rgb boolean false Whether to return in the form of rbg
      opacity number | 'random' 1 Transparency, return as rgba

For example:

// #ffffff

this.$randomColor({ rgb: true })
// rgb(255,255,255)

this.$randomColor({ rgb: true, opacity: 0.5 })
// rgba(255,255,255, 0.5)

this.$randomColor({ rgb: true, opacity: 'random' })
// rgba(255,255,255, 0.123)

# $isLightColor(color)

  • Description: Judge whether the color is light, return true by default
  • Param: string, support color representation of hexadecimal type and rgb[a], and the color threshold refers to jscolor (opens new window)
  • Return : boolean

For example:

// true

// true

// true
// false

// true
// false

// true
// false

this.$isLightColor('rgba(255,255,255, 0.8)')
// true
this.$isLightColor('rgba(0,0,0, 0.8)')
// false

# $setStatusBarStyle(optionsOrColor)

  • Description: Setting the background color and font color of the status bar, it is an encapsulation of the api.setStatusBarStyle method.
  • Return : None
  • Param:
    • optionsOrColor:

      • Type: object | string
      • Requiredtrue
      • Description: If the parameter type is string, it is the background color of the status bar, the font color is black by default, if the parameter type isobject, it is the option to configure the status bar style, including the following items
      options type default description
      color string #000 Status bar background color, only valid for Android 5.0 and above
      style 'light' | 'dark' light The font color of the status bar supports iOS, Android supports Xiaomi MIUI 6.0 and above phones, Meizu Flyme 4.0 and above phones, and other Android 6.0 and above phones. Due to differences in customization of device manufacturers, frequent switching of styles may not take effect. If not set, it will automatically judge whether the transmitted background color is light color through $ isLightColor, the light color isdark, otherwise it is light
      animated boolean false Is there an animation effect, only valid for iOS
    • Value range of style

    dark        // The status bar font is black, suitable for light backgrounds
    light       // The status bar font is white, suitable for dark background

For example:

// Set the status bar to transparent background and the font color to dark

// Set the status bar to a specific color. The font color is determined by `isLightColor`

// Set the status bar to transparent background and the font color to `light`
  color: 'transparent',
  style: 'light'

// Set the status bar to a specific color, the font color is `light`, and have an animation effect
  color: '#007ACC',
  style: 'light',
  animated: true