# Asset Handling

# Static Resources loaded by Copy

Some static resources that native components need to use or do not need to be processed by Webpack Loader need to be copied as they are when compiling and building. They are generally stored in the public/res directory. After compiling and building, they will be copied to the res directory.

For example, the file public/res/img/logo.png is used in HTML as follows

<img src="res/img/logo.png" alt="logo" />

Because the loading of resources in CSS needs to be processed by loader, it is not recommended to reference static resource files in public/res directory in CSS. If there is a reason to use it, you can use it as follows

.logo {
  background-image: url('~@/../public/res/img/logo.png');

However, this file will be copied from the res/img directory to the img directory during package compilation.

# Static Resources loaded by webpack loader

In .vue or .js files, loading static resource files need to be processed by Webpack Loader. They are usually stored in the src/assets directory.

For example, the file src/assets/img/logo.png is used in .vue, .js

  <img alt="Vue logo" :src="logo" />

import logo from '@/assets/img/logo.png'
export default {
  name: 'demo',
  data() {
    return {

used in CSS

.logo {
  background-image: url('~@/assets/img/logo.png');